Two Tips to Follow When Shopping for a Flat-Top Trailer

22 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Here are some tips to follow when shopping for a flat-top trailer for your vehicle.

Consider whether you want the trailer to have drop-down sides

Whilst a lot of flat-top trailers have drop-down sides, there are models that have no barrier around the trailer's edges. It's important to consider which of these would best suit your needs, based on what you intend to use this trailer for. For example, if you'll be using the trailer to make deliveries every day, then you might find a barrier-free trailer more convenient, as you'll be able to slide the items off it rapidly, without having to first spend any time pulling down one or more of the trailer's sides. However, if you get this type of flat-top trailer, you may have to use additional accessories, such as ropes, to keep your items secured to the base of the trailer, as there won't be a barrier that will stop them from falling off its flat surface when you're driving.

A flat-top trailer with drop-down sides might be more suitable if you either don't want to have to secure your items to its base or if you'll be transporting items on it that would be difficult to tie down with ropes, as the drop-down sides will help to keep these items reasonably stable when you're on the road. If you opt for this type of flat-top trailer, you should practise locking its drop-down sides a few times before taking it out on a drive. If you don't secure them correctly, they could fall open when you're driving; this could result in your items being flung onto the road and either getting broken or damaging someone else's vehicle.

Think about whether you want the trailer's surface to be textured or smooth

You should also think about whether you want the base of the flat-top trailer to be textured or smooth. The former could be the right choice if you want to be able to quickly pull items off the trailer, as the smooth base won't provide traction that could impede this action. However, if you'll be putting slightly fragile items on the trailer and don't want them to slide around, getting a trailer whose base has a textured surface would be a better idea, as this won't be as slippery as its smooth-surfaced counterpart.

From an aesthetic perspective, a flat-top trailer with a textured base might be a good idea, as the dirt that will land on it during each road journey, and the smudges that will be created by you taking items on and off of it won't be quite as noticeable as they would be on a smoother and more reflective trailer base.

Talk to a dealer to learn more about flat-top trailers
